Treating Medial Tibia Stress Syndrome With Sports Physiotherapy

20 October 2019
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


Injury is a standard part of sports. Whether you are starting on your fitness journey, or you are an experienced athlete, you are likely to get injuries at some point. Most athletes go for the quick fix solution to their sports injuries, where they take steroids or painkillers to manage the pain. Most of the time, these injuries can be managed with the pain reliever, but there are times when painkillers cover up a festering problem. It is crucial to have a sports physiotherapist diagnose your problem and figure out if it can be resolved through therapy. Here is what you need to know about Medial Tibia Stress Syndrome, and how physiotherapy helps.

Shin Splint Causes

Medial Tibia Stress Syndrome or shin splints are problems that affect the tibia. These injuries are common in runners or athletes who engage in sports involving a lot of running. The injury itself results from repetitive stress on the shinbone and also the tissues that connect muscles to the bone. People who are most at risk of getting this injury include beginners in a running program, people in military training, people with flat feet and people who run or rough or uneven terrain. The excessive force on the bone leads to minute fractures, which leads to pain and inflammation.

Shin Splint Signs

Certain signs will alert you that you have shin splint syndrome. These include a dull ache in the front part of your lower leg, general muscle pain in the legs, soreness and tenderness in the inner part of the leg, pain on the sides of the shinbone and swelling of the lower leg. These signs are general, which is why it is advisable to get a proper diagnosis before getting any therapy or other treatment for the condition. 

How Sports Physiotherapy Helps

Shin splints are a mild injury that tends to resolve itself with rest. However, if the problem persists even after trying home remedies and rest, you can see a physio about the condition. The physio will assess the biomechanical factors which might have caused the shin split and help bring relaxation to the muscle tightness and imbalances. The movements which are part of physio also promote faster healing.

The most crucial step in dealing with Medial Tibia Stress Syndrome is getting a proper diagnosis. When the condition has been confirmed, the recovery time will be two weeks to a month, depending on the effectiveness of therapy. With a competent sports physiotherapist, the condition will be treated within no time.